غضب السیدۃ فاطمةؓ وأبی بكر صدیقؓ: دراسة بحثية في قضیة فدك

The Anger of Hazrat Fatima and Hazrat Abu Bakr: A Research Study in the Context of “Bagh-e-Fadak”


  • Dr. Ataa Ullah Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic & Religious Studies, University of Haripur
  • Dr. Muhammad Noman Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic & Arabic Studies, University of Swat
  • Muhammad Arif Teaching assistant, Department of Islamic & Religious Studies, Hazara University


Fidak matter, Ibne Shahab Zahri, Legacy of prophets


At the time of Muhammad’s (S.A.W.W) depart from the world, he left the Garden of Fidak which came to the possession of Muhammad S.A.W.W during the Battle of Khyber, besides other things in legacy. Hadhrat Fatima R.A demanded her share in legacy on which the first caliph Hadhrat Abu Bakr R.A stopped her saying that the legacy of prophets is not divided. This matter is known as the matter of Fidak in history. Generally an objection is raised at this that Hadhrat Fatima became angry with Hadhrat Abu Bakar and that she never spoke to him after that. There are too many takings on this issue but Nafe’s stance is deep and it does not only remove false perceptions but also bring all the events in line. In this article, Nafe’s stance is being viewed analytically which results in this way that Hadhrat Fatima R.A had demanded but she was not angry with Hadhrat Abu Bakr for denial but that prophet’s (S.A.W.W) saying that “the legacy of prophets is not divided” had not reached her. Those narrations which contain reference to Fatima’s anger with the caliph are the whims of Muhaddath ibne Shahabd AL-Zahri.





How to Cite

Dr. Ataa Ullah, Dr. Muhammad Noman, & Muhammad Arif. (2021). غضب السیدۃ فاطمةؓ وأبی بكر صدیقؓ: دراسة بحثية في قضیة فدك: The Anger of Hazrat Fatima and Hazrat Abu Bakr: A Research Study in the Context of “Bagh-e-Fadak”. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 441–456. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/267


