ملیکۃالعرب، خاتون اول زوجہ رسول سیدنا خدیجۃ الکبریٰ رضی الللہ تعالی عنہا کی شخصیت و کردار تاریخی و تحقیقی تجزیہ

Historical and Research Analysis of the Personality and Character of Malikat-ul-Arab, First Lady, Wife of Rasool Syedna Khadijat-ul-Kubra (RAA)


  • Dr. Sohail Akhtar Lecturer History Ghazi University, Dera Ghazi Khan, Pakistan
  • Dr. Zia-ur- Rehman Lecturer,Department of Islamic Studies, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal Upper Dir, Pakistan
  • Dr. Naseem Akhter Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Studies, SBBWU, Peshawar, Pakistan


Hazrat Khadija, First lady, Islam, Advent of Islam, Makkah, etc.


This research paper mainly an analytical study of the first lady of Islam Hazrat Khadija R.A the pious wife of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The paper also deals about the noble personality of Um-ul-Momineeen Hazrat Khadija-ul-Kubra (R.A). After the first revelation she accepted Islam and then always tried to contribute in strengthening Islam. She scarified for Islam and devoted his whole wealth in favour of Islam. The paper discusses the personality and character. Hazrat Khadija (RA) is one of the famous ladies among all the women of the world. You were counted among the noble Arabs from the tribe of Quraesh. She is not only a wealthy woman, but also a great businessman, well-mannered, and a beacon of light in the ignorant Arabian society. She was among the early won Muslims and who accepted Islam. This research paper highlights the major qualities of the personality and character and high status.




How to Cite

Dr. Sohail Akhtar, Dr. Zia-ur- Rehman, & Dr. Naseem Akhter. (2021). ملیکۃالعرب، خاتون اول زوجہ رسول سیدنا خدیجۃ الکبریٰ رضی الللہ تعالی عنہا کی شخصیت و کردار تاریخی و تحقیقی تجزیہ: Historical and Research Analysis of the Personality and Character of Malikat-ul-Arab, First Lady, Wife of Rasool Syedna Khadijat-ul-Kubra (RAA). Al-Azhār, 7(02), 217–224. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/259


