فلسفۂ خیر و شر اور عصر حاضر: قرآنی مترادفات،اصطلاحات و تعبیرات

Philosophy of virtue and evil: Quranic notions, terminology and hermeunatics


  • Zahid Ullah Mphil Scholar,Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization,University of management and Tecnology,Lahore
  • Dr Tahira Basharat Professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization,University of management and Tecnology,Lahore
  • Dr. Hafiz Sajid Iqbal Sheikh Assistant professor, Department of Islamic Thought and Civilization, University of management and Tecnology, Lahore


Quranic notions, terminology, hermeunatics, virtue, evil


Since the day the humans exist in this universe, the concept of good and bad also exists. According to the religious discourse the human mind is authorized enough to adopt the way as per his wish and he has to face its responsibility in this world and the world hereafter. This paper aims to unfold some concerned issues of the subject in contemporary era. Quran as the most authentic source of law in Islamic jurisprudence guides the humanity in all aspects of life including the injunctins regarding the notions of evil and noble. The study emphises on cutting edge isues of humanity in relevance to the issue and guidance of Quranic narratives. Applying historical research method the paper concludes that divine guidance is the only solution to solve all problems.




How to Cite

Zahid Ullah, Dr Tahira Basharat, & Dr. Hafiz Sajid Iqbal Sheikh. (2021). فلسفۂ خیر و شر اور عصر حاضر: قرآنی مترادفات،اصطلاحات و تعبیرات: Philosophy of virtue and evil: Quranic notions, terminology and hermeunatics . Al-Azhār, 7(02), 197–216. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/258


