برما میں روہنگیا مسلمانوں کے سیاسی مسائل اور ان کے حل کے لئے تجاویز

Political issues of Rohingya Muslims and proposals for their solution


  • Abrar ullah Theology Teacher
  • Dr Shabana Nazar Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur.
  • Fahmeeda Bibi Assistant Professor ,Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies, The University of Swabi


Rohingya Muslims, Burma, Buddhist, Political issues


Muslims have been living for decades in Burma. But, in the mid of 20th century, at the time of Indian partition, struggle to become part of Pakistan, then movement to become an independent state, feelings of doubt and mistrust about Rohingya increased in Burma. In different times, riots of various intensity happened but since their freedom to 1982, Rohingya the too were considered part of Burma. However, with a referendum 1982 law of nationality, one hundred and thirty five racial groups were awarded Burmese nationality but Rohingya racial group was stripped off nationality. In the next year, meaning 1983, they were not even counted in the census. Myanmar government holds plea that these people, by race and history, are Bengalis. Since Rohingya don’t fall in the recognized one hundred and thirty five racial groups; therefore, they are not even regular citizens of Burma. And from legal point of view, they are illegal exiled citizens of Bengal who are living in Rakhine state of state of Burma under its favor. Bangladesh holds a plea that as per history, they have never been citizens of Bangladesh. They are Burmese people; therefore, Bangladesh is not ready to accept them as their own people.  Rohingya are forced to live in dilapidated/worst conditions in Burma. They are facing many political issues along with religious and social issues. In this article, their, Rohingya, political issues and proposals for their solution will be put forwarded




How to Cite

Abrar ullah, Dr Shabana Nazar, & Fahmeeda Bibi. (2021). برما میں روہنگیا مسلمانوں کے سیاسی مسائل اور ان کے حل کے لئے تجاویز: Political issues of Rohingya Muslims and proposals for their solution. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 99–119. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/252


