بازنطینی سلطنت کے معاشرتی وفوجی نظام کا تفصیلی جائزہ

A detail Analytical Review of Byzantine Social and Army system.


  • Rifat Ullah PhD Scholar ,Department of Seerah Studies, UOP


Byzantine, Christianity, Social Classes, Army


The Byzantine state came into being in 330 AD. It was a civilized, theological and superpower state. In that dynasty the Byzantine was related to Christianity, which played a pivotal role in the preaching, stability, and enforcement of Christianity. The church becomes a strong organization as supported by the state. They had their own laws, courts, police and economic system. There was their own social classes system. They had their different Social classes system with specific jobs and duties. Nobody had the right to change his class. In the era of byzantine there was a strong armed forces system. These armed forces follow old Roman principles. They had enough power to defeat their enemies and protect their territory from Sassanid, different tribes and invaders of Muslims .This article encompass the introduction of the Byzantine state, Military, and their Social system




How to Cite

Rifat Ullah. (2021). بازنطینی سلطنت کے معاشرتی وفوجی نظام کا تفصیلی جائزہ: A detail Analytical Review of Byzantine Social and Army system. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 89–98. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/251


