سیرۃ النبیﷺ میں علامہ شبلی نعمانی کے طنزیہ اسلوب کا جائزہ


  • Taqwim ul Haq Islamia College, Peshawar


Keywords: Polemics in British India; Missionaries in British India; Blasphemy; Orientalist and Prophet of Islam; Biographies of the Prophet of Islam, Satirical style



Shibli Naumani [1857-1914] is famous Urdu writer informed with early Western knowledge in British India, with absolute and lifelong commitment to bring intellectual change in Muslims. His series of books Namwaran-e Islam (The Famous Personalities of Islam) reached to its zenith, both in art and substance, when he penned one of the most authentic biography for Prophet of Islam Seerat-un Nabi. This article focused on a rare stylistic element to be ever used in prophetic biographies, satire. He mainly put this tool to work where the works of Orientalist are analyzed. The article explores the types and uses of satire, Shibli used in his voluminous book. The results also comment on the causes of this particular use, and it is documented those Christian missionaries operating in British India as well as the literature produced in the West on the topic were pressing reasons behind the selection of style. Evidence shows that as the access of Shibli to the Western sources along with proficiency to consult increased, the comparison, analyses of the Orientalist corpus increased, and it usually entails satire in polemic way, a possible reaction to the missionaries in British India.




How to Cite

Taqwim ul Haq. (2021). سیرۃ النبیﷺ میں علامہ شبلی نعمانی کے طنزیہ اسلوب کا جائزہ. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 67–79. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/234


