محمد سليمان عبدالله الأشقرفقيھاً ومنھجه في کتابه:( الواضح في أصول الفقه للمبتدئين)

Muhammad Suleiman Abdullah al-Ashqarand his methodology in his book: (Al-Wadih fi Usul fiqh for Beginners)


  • Dr Muhammad Saleem Assistant Professor,Department of Arabic ,G C University Faisalabad.
  • Shazia Assistant Professor,Department of Islamic Studies ,G C U W Faisalabad


Sulayman Al-ashqar، Islamic Jurisprudence, ashkar ,wadheh, wazeh,reformer, Usool ul fiqh, sulaiman


The article entitled: Muhammad Sulayman Abdulla as Islamic Jurist and his Methodology in the book entitled: Explanation of the principles of jurisprudence for Beginners” is divided into two parts, one is about the services of Muhammad Sulayman Abdullah Al ashqar as a Islamic jurist and second part is about his methodology in his book entitled: Explain the principles of jurisprudence for Beginners. He was born at the village of Nablus in 1930.He earned fame as an Arabic Islamic writer and Islamic jurist as he served at various Islamic Arabic Universities as a professor of Islamic jurisprudence. He participated in various Islamic Arabic conferences seminars and chaired a lot of research committees. He was great Islamic scholar and reformers. He was died in 2009. He wrote valuable books on various topics regarding Islam. He was intelligent as he taught Holy qur’an without any teacher and became a teacher in the city of Bareeda (K S A). He worked as a merchant in the city of Riydh.(K S A). He received his higher Education in the field of Islamic Jurisprudence from eminent Muslim Arabian Scholars like as Muhammad Ameen Al- Shanqeeti and Abdul-Azeez Bin AbdullahbinBaaz etc.  He did remarkable job introducing quality education system and prestigious books. The article reflects his services and method of writing in the book cited above.




How to Cite

Dr Muhammad Saleem, & Shazia. (2021). محمد سليمان عبدالله الأشقرفقيھاً ومنھجه في کتابه:( الواضح في أصول الفقه للمبتدئين): Muhammad Suleiman Abdullah al-Ashqarand his methodology in his book: (Al-Wadih fi Usul fiqh for Beginners). Al-Azhār, 7(01), 538–555. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/224


