دراسۃ المعاجم العربية والأردیۃ في شبه القارة الهند يۃ

Arabic & Urdu Dictionaries in the Subcontinent Study of


  • Hafiza Nasreen Akhtar Lecturer, Department of Arabic Government College Women University Faisalabad
  • Saleem Ismail Assistant Professor ,Department of Arabic , Government College University Faisalabad


Arabic ,Mujam ,Urdu, Manhaj, Sub continent, Islam ,Scholars, Language.


The article entitled: Study of Arabic &Urdu Dictionaries in Subcontinent is about the development of Urdu and Arabic dictionaries in Subcontinent. Arabic language introduced among Indians with the arrival of Islam in Subcontinent. Arabic language played a vital role in introducing the teachings of Islam. As a Muslim, we have to read Holy Qur’an and Hadith in Arabic, so understanding of Arabic Language has become necessary for Muslim community to understand and preach Islam. Arabic language played great role to enrich Urdu language as Dr Sameer Abdul Hameed Ibrahim stated that 50 present words of Arabic language are used in Urdu.

The article discusses regarding movement of writing Arabic Urdu Dictionaries in Subcontinent and contribution of scholars who contributed to produce valuable dictionaries in both languages. The article troughs light on methods of these lexicographers in their dictionaries.  In the beginning of this article, we presented introduction of some Arabic lexicographers like as Khalil bin Ahmad Al Faraheedi and Ibn Duraid and Ibn Jinee and Al Afreeqi and their contributions in the regard.

In this article, we have succeeded to present contribution of Indian scholars in producing valuable dictionaries in both languages like as Muhammad Hasson Al- Azmee ,Waheed-u Zaman Al Qasmee , Keranwee and Ubaid-ul Haq Al Nadvee, their methods and other related books.




How to Cite

Hafiza Nasreen Akhtar, & Saleem Ismail. (2021). دراسۃ المعاجم العربية والأردیۃ في شبه القارة الهند يۃ: Arabic & Urdu Dictionaries in the Subcontinent Study of. Al-Azhār, 7(01), 521–537. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/222


