قرآن اور بائبل میں سیدنا ابراہیمؑ اور ان کی اولاد کا تذکرہ ایک تقابلی جائزہ

A Comparative Review of Abraham and His Descendants in the Light of the Bible and Quranic Verses


  • Shiraz Akhtar Ph.D Scholar, Islamic Studies Mohi ud Din Islamic University AJK
  • shabbir Hussain Assistant Professor/ Islamic Studies Mohi ud Din Islamic University AJK


Bible, Quran, Abraham (AH), Descendants of Abraham (AH)


The Prophets have come for the guidance of mankind and its multi-faceted group. Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S) is one of the most glorious prophets.

Allah tested his faith from the beginning and he waited twenty-five years for Allah Promise to come true for their children their faith did not waver and when Allah tested them with such a test even so, owing one is still beyond the reach of the average person as a result Allah called him the father of the believers and Khalil Ullah the friend of Allah.

This article describes Ibrahim (A.S) descendants and comparative review in the light of the bible and Quran.

According to the both bible and the Quran the teaching of Prophets were the same: God is One, there is no partner to Him, Let Him be worshiped.




How to Cite

Shiraz Akhtar, & shabbir Hussain. (2020). قرآن اور بائبل میں سیدنا ابراہیمؑ اور ان کی اولاد کا تذکرہ ایک تقابلی جائزہ: A Comparative Review of Abraham and His Descendants in the Light of the Bible and Quranic Verses. Al-Azhār, 6(1), 222–240. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/221


