قرآن اور علوم القرآن: فہم قرآن اور ضیاء الدین سردار کے افکار و نظریات
A research Evaluation of Dr Ziauddin Sardar's Qura'nic thoughts
Quran, Shariah, Middle East, West, Culture, Muslims, Epistemology, contextual approachAbstract
In this research paper, it has been endeavored to highlight the efforts of Ziauddin Sardar especially for the Quranic Understanding. He has said and written about the many Quranic topics which address the contemporary issues of the people. You could easily understand his approach about Quranic understanding which has resembling the Orientialist approach. Some points are very important which he discussed but mostly he adopts a different side which seems against the ancient and the present scholars of the Muslim World. No doubt, he is a big and literary scholar. His writings are the blends of logics. He is a man of many books and columns. His learning efforts are spread round about a half century. He has worked in many renowned institutions, government sectors and highly official posts but his views about the Quran, Shariah and Islamic customs and civilization are revised able. This article also discusses Ziauddin Sardar’s Qur’anic interpretation. His thought on interpretation is considered important because of its contribution to the epistemology of contemporary Qur’anic interpretation. Using a descriptive-analysis, the writer explores four aspects of Sardar’s interpretation: meaning, source, method, and validity of interpretation. This study finds that Sardar’s thematic argumentation is contributive over the discourse of contextual approach to the Qur’an.