اللغة العربية وتعليم صورها لأغراض دينيّة (أساليب التشبيه التمثيلي القرآني أنموذجا)

“Arabic language and the teaching of its various styles for religious purposes: the styles of Qur’anic tashbeeh tamtheeli as an example.”


  • Wasiulah khan PhD scholar University of Peshawar
  • Muhammad Saleem hawed Dean,Faculty of Islamic and Oriental Studies,University of Peshawar


The importance of the Arabic language and its study cannot be understated for the correct understanding of the religion of Islam.

Some scholars of Islam have even gone as far as to label the studying of the Arabic language as wajib – or even fardh. Furthermore, the understanding of the style of the Qur'anic elucidation and the subtleties of the treasures of Qur'anic knowledge too are dependent upon knowledge of the different fields of the Arabic language, so much so that it would be completely appropriate to say that they are to a large extent interconnected. 

Since the beginning the study of Arabic language has been held in high esteem from both Muslims and non-Muslims alike – its study uniting both groups from various tribes and lands with common respect. This was never just restricted to language, rather it encompassed an entire culture.

In this research paper, I have discussed the majestic beauty of the use of various styles of the science of elucidation (bayaan) from the sciences of balagah using examples from various Ayahs of the Qur’an with a particular emphasis on tashbeeh tamtheeli, and have expounded upon how the knowledge of Arabic with emphasis on balagah is thus pivotal to succeed in understanding and then acting correctly upon the Qur’an and Islam.






How to Cite

Wasiulah khan, & Muhammad Saleem hawed. (2022). اللغة العربية وتعليم صورها لأغراض دينيّة (أساليب التشبيه التمثيلي القرآني أنموذجا): “Arabic language and the teaching of its various styles for religious purposes: the styles of Qur’anic tashbeeh tamtheeli as an example.”. Al-Azhār, 8(02), 133–146. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/215


