Dar-ul-uloom Haqania and its religious services to community.


  • Muntazir Shah PhD research scholar Mohi-ud-din Islamic university Narian Sharif AJK
  • Dr. Muhammad Khan Associate Professor, Mohi-ud-din Islamic University Narian Sharif AJK
  • Dr. Sabirullah PhD in Islamic studies,NUML, Islamabad Campus


Akora Khattak, Dar-ul-Uloom, Haqania, extremism


Before the partition of Indo-Pakistan, Maulana Abdul Haqq (R.A) was providing services as teacher in Dar-ul-Uloom Deoband. Indo-Pak partition took place in the month of Ramazan 1947 and religious madaris remained closed for Ramazan vacations. After partition Maulana Abdul Haqq was unable to go to India. The students who were enrolled in Dar-ul-Deoband insisted to continue religious education under the supervision of Maulana Abdul Haqq, and they were responded positively by Maulana Abdul Haqq. He thought that there should be a religious madrasa in his own region. Hence, he laid the foundation of Dar-ul-Uloom Haqania in masjid Kaki Zai Akora Khattak, Khyber Pukhtoonkhwa, Pakistan.

Dar-ul-Uloom Haqania is situated in Akora Khattak on Rawapindi road Peshawar.Its syllabus is suitable to the demands of the modern world. Dar-ul-Uloom Haqania gives knowledge of pure Islamic teachings in peaceful environment and is not involved in any act of violence and extremism.

This madrasa has great contribution in the preaching of true shape of Islam towards this world since it gives message of peace and harmony in today’s crucial times. It has produced a lot of eminent religious scholars almost in every field of Islamic sharia.




How to Cite

Muntazir Shah, Dr. Muhammad Khan, & Dr. Sabirullah. (2021). Dar-ul-uloom Haqania and its religious services to community. Al-Azhār, 7(02), 122–128. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/197


