الشيخ محمد إدريس الكاندهلوي–رحمه الله-ومنهجه في دراسة السيرة النبوية ﷺ (دراسة تحليلية وصفية لكتاب"سيرة مصطفى ﷺ)

Sheikh Muhammad Idris Al-Kandhlawi, and his method to study the biography of the Prophet (PBUH): (An analytical and descriptive study of the book "The Sirat-E-Mustafa ﷺ)


  • Dr. Munir Ahmad Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Riphah International University
  • Dr. Hafiz Waqas Khan Assistant Professor/HOD, Department of Islamic Studies, Riphah International University, Islamabad
  • Hafeez Ullah Khattak PhD Scholar, Department of Islamic Studies, Qurtaba University of Science and Information Technology Peshawar.


 Molana Muhammad Idrees Al-Kandhlvi was a great Muslim scholar of his time in sub-continent he born in a very well-known Village of India named Bhopal, near to Kandhla City, He was a multidimensional personality of his time, being a great Muslim scholar has respected all sects of Muslim. As a Muslim Scholar he wrote the books in Arabic, Persian, and Urdu in several fields of Islamic sciences by adopting a unique methodology in his writings.

 He has spent his whole life in quenching the moral and spiritual thirst of the sub-continent of his era on one hand, and preaching the message of Islam on other hand.

 This paper is focusing on his personal life, methodology adapted by him in the study of prophet's biography, It seemed that the efforts of the Sheikh in the biography of the Prophet deserve to be singled out with a scientific study that follows his method in it, and shows his positions, methods of inference and proven.




How to Cite

Dr. Munir Ahmad, Dr. Hafiz Waqas Khan, & Hafeez Ullah Khattak. (2022). الشيخ محمد إدريس الكاندهلوي–رحمه الله-ومنهجه في دراسة السيرة النبوية ﷺ (دراسة تحليلية وصفية لكتاب"سيرة مصطفى ﷺ) : Sheikh Muhammad Idris Al-Kandhlawi, and his method to study the biography of the Prophet (PBUH): (An analytical and descriptive study of the book "The Sirat-E-Mustafa ﷺ). Al-Azhār, 8(01), 21–37. Retrieved from https://al-azhaar.org/index.php/alazhar/article/view/304


